Step To Call Center Kit is a complete solution for a newbie as well as source of new ideas for experienced managers to fill in the gaps in their knowledge of running a successful call or contact center. This solution covers everything one can wish for and is a simple walkthrough of what is actually needed to startup and efficiently run a call center. As someone who has set up IT helpdesks and has also provided application support to call centers I often wondered why typical call centers were so well managed and IT help desks, for the most part, are not. Now being a Manager of a startup call center I have used the Step To Call Center Kit to get a better idea of my customers' needs. I was pretty excited to discover that there's at least one good solution of what call centers do and how they do it. A complete solution for anyone who works in the inbound call center environment. This complete solution will help everyone from senior management to front line service reps gain a better understanding and appreciation of the dynamic call center environment. I highly recommend this kit to managers who wants to lay the ground work for an aspiring call center and hone the skills of the most experienced call center manager